Ocean Trap and Line Fishery

The Ocean Trap and Line fishery is a multi method, multi species fishery targeting demersal and pelagic fish along the entire NSW coast, in continental shelf and slope waters. Snapper, yellowtail kingfish, leatherjackets, bonito and silver trevally form the bulk of the commercial catch.

Other key species include rubberlip (grey) morwong, blue-eye trevalla, sharks, bar cod and yellowfin bream.

grey morwong blue eye trevalla

image: grey morwong

image: blue eye Trevalla

Spanner crabs are also harvested from Tweed Heads to Korogoro Point, near Hat Head on the mid-north coast of NSW.

Tuna and tuna-like species are primarily managed by the Commonwealth Government outside three nautical miles. The fishery uses a variety of methods, most commonly involving traps or lines with hooks. A comprehensive Fishery Management Strategy is in place for this fishery.
