Consuming Seafood

Once you have a species in mind, you need to decide if you'd prefer to buy it frozen, chilled or live. Availability will play a part in this decision, but you should also consider:

- When are you planning to consume the seafood you are purchasing today?

Freshness- It is a myth that chilled seafood is always of better quality than frozen. Often, fish that was frozen shortly after capture will be of better quality than something that sits in your fridge for a couple of days before you cook it.

Storage space- do you have enough space in your fridge or freezer to store the seafood? Do you have somewhere to keep your live seafood, so that it stays alive?

Our tips on handling live seafood can help.

Quality Check
All seafood quality Check

Seafood is a perishable food. The moment it is harvested its quality is at its highest. Producers are aware of this and take measures to maintain this quality, either through storing the seafood on ice, freezing it, or keeping it alive.

The Australian Seafood Quality Index (AQI) manual is an accurate method for measuring changes in chilled seafood through the whole chain, from the point of harvest through transport, auction, distribution and sale. It was developed by Sydney Fish Market (SFM) based on work from within Australia and overseas.

It provides highly reliable way to assess seafood quality. The Quality Checklist provided below provides a simplified overview that will help seafood consumers choose their seafood.

Dried seafood quality

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Finfish quality

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Crustacean quality - excluding prawns

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Frozen seafood quality

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Cheesy fish
Kids Recipes
Cooking: 15 mins
Cooking difficulty:

This is a baby recipe and makes baby servings however to make a family meal, set aside 1 baby portion and to the remainder, add 150g (5oz) cooked pasta; this will give 2 adult portions

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