About Fishfiles
Mention seafood to most Australians and it conjures up a kaleidoscope of wonderful images and memories. Seafood is not only visually exciting and exotic; it tastes wonderful and is healthy and versatile. Best of all, as Australians we are blessed with oceans, rivers, lakes and other waterways that provide abundant supply and dazzling variety for all to enjoy. But despite this wonderful reputation, seafood is generally not well understood in this country by the public at large. [Geoff Jansz. Australian Seafood User Manual]
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a Commonwealth Agency that is co-funded to invest in fisheries research, development and extension (RD&E) activities. These activities aim to improve the fishing industry (commercial, recreational and indigenous), the environment on which it depends, and management that underpins all of it. While a large portion of the research is primarily focused on fishing industry activities and the environment, a considerable amount is still applicable to the Australian community.
FRDC research shows over 90% of all Australians consume seafood at some time during a year, but many are not confident or don't understand how to handle seafood properly.
Fishfiles aims to provide access to the latest information on fish species, find advice on buying, handling, storing, cooking seafood and discover delicious recipes, chef tips, events, fisher profiles and more. The Fishfiles website is designed to be a living document which will be added to over time.
We welcome suggestions on how to improve the information provided. Also if you cannot find the information you are after let us know and we will endeavour to find the answer for you.